Archive for July, 2016

Bill & Loretta – Plane Talk

Posted in 2016 Election, Humor, Politics on July 3rd, 2016

Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton met privately in the back of a private plane in Phoenix, AZ, Monday, June 27, 2016 and shared a 20-25 minute encounter. This, of course, instantly caused Hillary a lot of headaches since Loretta as the AG is titularly heading the investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of sensitive documents.

Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch meet privately
Bill Clinton and Laura Lynch Meet Privately

What I don’t understand is why everyone is quick to jump on the idea that this was an example of corruption on Lynch’s part and further proof that the Obama Regime will do anything to ensure that Donald Trump doesn’t become POTUS. There are other reasons why Bill and Laura might meet on an airport’s tarmac and duck into the back of a handy plane. 😉