I Must Get Up

Posted in Coffee & Tea on May 9th, 2022
I Must Get Up
I Must Get Up

It’s Monday, the hardest day of the week – not that it’s easy to get up on most other days – to drag my ass out of bed. Yet, I must get up; my coffee needs me. And who am I to deny my coffee what it needs.

Mmmm… Hot Coffee

Remember, it’s important for needs to be met. Starting the day off that way can and will increase your productivity and decrease your stress. 😉

Self-Driving VW

Posted in Humor, Technology on May 8th, 2022
Self-Driving VW Prototype
Self-Driving VW Prototype

Cool! Someone leaked a pic of Volkswagen’s new self-driving car. 😆 Apparently they’ve had the tech since 1968 but are just now in the process of bringing it to the auto market.

The Mail Order President

Posted in 2020 Elections, Announcements, Humor, Politics on May 8th, 2022
Biden - The Mail Order President
Biden – The Mail Order President

I’ve described Biden recently, but what the old dodderer is shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. This is what happens when you order a President through the mail. What shows up rarely looks or is as good as what it looked like online or in the catalog, even more so when it turns out it’s just a piece of Chinese-made crap.

2B Or Not 2B?

Posted in Humor, Society on May 8th, 2022

2B Or Not 2B? The Dumbest Question Ever!

Whether in the context of cosplay or not, 2B or not 2B is quite possibly the dumbest question ever. And, if it’s not actually the dumbest, it’s still down there near the nadir of queries. 😉

If given the option, you always choose YoRHa No.2 Type B aka 2B.

Dems' Collective Fear

Posted in Politics, Society on May 7th, 2022
Dems' Collective Fear
Dems’ Collective Fear

Mr. Russell, in his work, Unpopular Essays, was quite correct. The behaviors of Liberals, Progressives, Minorities, Feminists – all of the sorts that vote Democrat – have proven this time and time again, with each paroxysm of fear and its resultant ferocity and often feral savagery further proving that it’s a degenerative cycle.

It doesn’t matter which fear it is either. COVID-19, Climate Change, Capitalism, or the more fundamental fear of straight, White men, the response by the Left and their minority sharecroppers is always to circle up and attack anyone who doesn’t share their fears however they can, which normally means vilifying them and labeling them as an existential threat.

Worse, it doesn’t end – though the latest, trendy fear may distract them from previous fears for a while. Instead, it escalates because the Dems’ collective fears create a feedback loop between them, the Lamestream Media, and their politicians that is self-perpetuating and, like all engines subject to positive feedback loops, prone to runaway or race conditions.

The truly unfortunate thing is that there’s no outside cure for cowardice, only cures for cowards.