Unreasoning Largess

Some things pull at one’s heartstrings and evoke thoughts and feeling that, at first pass, seem quite good for the state of the society one lives in. Sadly, some of those things are wrong and/or manipulative and go against the underpinnings of reality. Worse, far too often those things which are wrong and/or manipulative become entrenched in the collective psyches of whole demographics of the population.

You don't need a reason to help peopleSupposedly You Don’t Need A Reason To Help People

A case in point is “You Don’t Need A Reason To Help People.” It’s nothing but a call for totally unreasoning largess and it has no basis in fact or human thought and logic processes. People reason and, hence, need reason for any and all actions, though it’s true that many of those reasons are internalized and/or subconscious in nature. Even the insane have and need reasons for doing whatever they do. They’re just not reasons that most of the rest of us have the data to understand.

Reasonable Charity

Some of the various real reason for people helping other specific people or specific groups or classes of people are:

  • Either seeking the blessings of the God(s) or avoiding punishment by their the God(s) through acts of charity;
  • Seeking approval of other people or avoiding disapproval other people through acts of charity;
  • Assuaging feelings of guilt brought upon by segments of their society’s disdain for wealth or material success;
  • Because it feels good to do so, either through feelings of superiority and self-validation or a more general feeling of worth.

Also, in all reasoning cases, the person needs to believe or to convince themselves that the largess they give has some meaning and will have some quantifiable and qualifiable benefit. It’s somewhat rare for normal people to just render aid, assistance, and charity when they know it will do no good – unless there’s a unrelated or tangentially related benefit to themselves for doing so.

Entrenched In Liberalism & Progressivism

The myth of “You Don’t Need A Reason To Help People” is sadly entrenched in the collective psyches of the Liberals and Progressives. It, mostly at an unconscious level, forms one of the underpinning of their dogma and colors and informs a great deal of their agenda.

Liberals and Progressives actively reject the fact that there is always a need for reason for largess. Even more, they reject and quite stridently disdain and denounce the idea that the person needs to believe or to convince themselves that the largess they give has some meaning and will have some quantifiable and qualifiable benefit. They believe that such things are discrimination.

This is a large part of why the Liberals and Progressives so strongly demand that voluntary charity be replaced by largess by fiat. As they believe that there should be no reason for charity or qualifier to how, to whom, or how much largess is granted, any reason applied to such is seen by them, instead, to be reason to withhold such largess.

The greatest irony in this is that these same Liberals and Progressives have no qualms about applying social pressure – approval or disapproval – to goad people into granting such largess, and are the ones who foster feelings of guilt in those of the societies they live within who have achieved wealth or material success.


Sadly, this isn’t really correctable. It can only be ameliorated through educating people in reality. This is the sad effect of something that sounds so good but which is false.

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