Archive for October, 2015

Asian Grading System

Posted in Society on October 11th, 2015

There’s a reason why Asians tend as a whole to excel in America and outperform all other demographics. It’s the same reason as why so many other minorities, especially the Blacks, hate them with a sick passion. It’s also the very same reason that, in the name of diversity – and maintaining “Legacy” enrollmentacademia is prejudiced against them.


Asian Grading System
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, the picture above is meant to be humor…but it’s humor grounded, as is all the best humor, in social commentary about real situations, behaviors, and attitudes.

  • A = Average
  • B = Below Average
  • C = Can’t Have Dinner
  • D = Don’t Come Home
  • F = Find A New Family

This is not too far off the mark from how Asian parents, by and large, deal with their children’s education and success therein. They expect diligence, responsibility, and a strong work ethic, demand such things from their children, and aren’t afraid of using discipline to get them.

Yep! The Asian Grading System, it’s the reason why Asian, irrespective of the socioeconomic strata they come from and despite sometimes massive cultural and linguistic barriers, tend to succeed and outperform, as a group, others in America.

Schiff’s False Premise

Posted in Politics on October 10th, 2015

Some things sound so good and right, as if they a nuggets of revealed truth. And yet, sometimes these same things are dangerously wrong because, while right sounding on their face, they are based upon a false premise.

If you want irresponsible politicians to spend less, you must give them less to spend.

— Irwin Schiff

The quote above, attributed to semi-famous tax protester Irwin Schiff, is an example of such a dangerously seductive false statement.

Politicians, irresponsible or not, are not given money to spend. They take it by fiat and force of arms. This is something that Mr. Schiff and his adherents learned the hard way.

In This Day And Age

Posted in Politics, Society on October 6th, 2015

In this sad and degenerate day and age America has devolved into something that is already barely recognizable – though not, as yet, as unrecognizable as our domestic enemies, the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants desire and demand.

Cake & Baby Parts
Of Cake And Baby Parts In This Day And Age

In this day and age America has politicized cake and socialized infanticide, more often called abortion and more politically correctly termed “reproductive freedom.” The government will go out of its way to persecute and destroy a business owner who won’t support the queers but will endorse and subsidize abortion mills… even when these abortionists are padding their bank accounts by selling the body parts of the babies they’ve killed.

An Unsafe Opinion

Posted in Society on October 6th, 2015

Bryan StascavageLast month Bryan Stascavage, a 30-year-old Wesleyan University (WSA) economics major and decorated veteran who served two tours as an military intelligence analyst for the US Army in Iraq penned an unsafe opinion about the Black Live Matter (#BlackLivesMatter) movement in an op-ed for his the school newspaper, The Wesleyan Argus. The previous winner of WSA’s Chadbourne Prize was shocked by the result.

His op-ed, “Why Black Lives Matter Isn’t What You Think,” wasn’t a glowing endorsement of the Blacks’ movement and, therefor, was met with a shitstorm of hate and vitriol from the Blacks and the Liberals and Progressives who pander to- and enable them.

That was, in itself, completely to be expected and it’s hard to generate any true sympathy for Mr. Stascavage who should have known what he was buying for himself by not adhering to the Left’s and their minority sharecroppers’ orthodox dogma of total submission to their doctrine.

No. What is horrific is a subset of these vermin’s response, not against Mr. Stascavage directly, but against the The Wesleyan Argus which published his opinion piece and, thereby, exposed the student body to it. The Liberals, Progressives, and their minority sharecroppers are demanding that Wesleyan University defund the Argus because of it.

A petition demanding the Wesleyan Argus lose funding unless it meets certain demands has signatures from at least 172 students, staff and recent alumni. Signatories threatened to boycott the paper because they said it fails to “provide a safe space for the voices of students of color and we are doubtful that it will in the future.”

They also demand that commitment be made by the Argus to create work study/course credit positions; a monthly report on allocation of funds and leadership structure; a required once-per-semester Social Justice/Diversity training for all student publications; active recruitment and advertisement; and open space on the front page in the publication dedicated to marginalized groups/voices, specifying that if no submissions are received, The Argus will print a section labeled “for your voice.”

This is what now passes for students in these Affirmative Action times and in the wake of what the “Civil Rights” movement has degenerated into. They demand that White voices be silenced in favor of “Social Justice” and providing Liberal, Progressive, and Minority students total freedom from any opinion or subject matter that might may them uncomfortable in some way, shape, or form by not rigorously adhering to their sensitivities.

Gun Free Zones

Posted in Politics on October 5th, 2015

This is the historically proven end result of a disarmed population. Well, this and more rapid massive exterminations.

Gun Free Zone aka Concentration Camps
Gun Free Zones

Do not, however, make the mistake of merely thinking of this as a dire warning. It is also a valid proposition for a blueprint of a better, purer America. We should seriously consider rounding up our domestic enemies, the Liberal and Progressive gun-grabbers and putting them in camps where they can no longer pollute and harm our country.