Acknowledging Ron Paul

For the most part the lamestream has industriously avoided providing any coverage of Ron Paul’s campaign in the 2012 Republican Primaries. Acknowledging Ron Paul as a statistically meaningful candidate was not something the MSM was willing to do. They barely even allowed him any time during the debates.

Ron Paul and The Lamestream Media
Lamestream Media Coverage Of GOP Primaries

Consistently poor polling by the Lamestream Media’s two “acceptable” GOP candidates, Mitt Romney and John Huntsman, and solid polling by Ron Paul eventually forced the Lamestream Media to acknowledge Ron Paul’s existence and his campaign. They finally has to take him seriously.

Of course the Leftists’ media outlets which make up the vast bulk of the MSM responded to Ron Paul’s refusal to disapear was much like their response to similar Conservative candidates who the MSM felt were a threat to their kingmaking agenda.

Unlike Herman Cain, the MSM didn’t drag up and sensationalize complaints of sexual misconduct from women of dubious credibility and less virtue. They dredged up cherry-picked sentences from decades of Ron Paul’s newsletters instead.

It’d be funny if the lamestream media’s continued existence wasn’t such a threat to America. Even with the clear and present danger they pose to America it’s still ironic that they rant and whine about bigotry when their political mantra is clearly, “Conservatives Need Not Apply.”


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.

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Newt Speaks Sooth

Love him or loath him – and there’s plenty of reasons for the latter – one has to admit that Newt Gingrich has never been one to shy away of telling it as he sees it to be.

As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given The Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, because America gave him the White House based on the same credentials.

— Newt Gingrich

And he often speaks sooth when he does so – not always by any means, but certainly often enough to be listened to and for his words to be considered.

That, by itself, makes Mr. Gingrich an interesting and somewhat compelling contender for he GOP nomination and for the Presidency. Now, if only he wasn’t so erratic

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Principal’s Office

OK, there’s no real doubt that Gov. Perry’s recent campaign commercial was needlessly hyperbolic. He was only wrong in the extremity of the situation though.

I Said Christmas
Which One Do You Think Will Be Suspended?

Given the levels of political correctness now demanded of the majority of students and the lawfare and paper terrorism engaged in by the Godless over any public expression of religiosity, the rather funny cartoon may well be prophetic.

‘Tis no skin off my nose though. I’m Pagan. Now, when they figure out that Blessed or Merry Yuletide are religious sayings as well, then we’ll have issues. 😆

If you think I’m raving, I remind you that a North Carolina grade school recently suspended a none year-old for sexual harassment because someone overheard him tell another student that a teacher was cute. When that can happen, anything can.

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Mister 25%

Mitt Romney aka Mittens aka Mr. 25% has a real problem when it comes to polling his appeal to American voters. It doesn’t seem to matter how much effort the lamestream media puts forth to secure him Republican Presidential Nomination; he just keeps hovering around 25%.

Romney's Big BreakPoor Little Mittens Has A Problem

Perhaps, if Americans started an “Occupy The Primaries” movement and held up signs saying, “I’m One Of The 75%,” Mr. Romney might get the hint that the American people want a true choice in the 2012 Presidential Elections and we don’t consider him a choice.

Romney should go beg Obama’s handlers to let him replace Biden on the Dems’ 2012 ticket. Mittens and Obama are brothers by a different mother.

Romney’s “big break” broke because he’s ideologically bankrupt. He’d make a great CEO for Waffle House but not an American President. 😉

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Why The Cain-ing?

In the wake of the lamestream media’s concerted attack upon Herman Cain “Cain-ing” should become a tropism and “to be Cained” and “he got Cained” should definitely become part of America’s lexicon.


Function: verb

Date: 2011


  1. the act of using the publicizing of unsubstantiated allegations from less than credible complainants to erode perception of an individual’s character so as to weaken their position in matters not directly related to the allegations or complainants.

But the real question and the crux of issue at hand is why the lamestream MSM willfully chose to wage a war of character assassination against Herman Cain in the hopes of sandbagging his bid for the 2012 GOP presidental nomination?

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