Biden's Record Jobs Growth

Biden's Record Jobs Growth
Biden’s Record Jobs Growth Explained

The sorts that speak for the Biden administration have cheerfully touted “record job growth.” Sadly for Americans dealing with the on-the-ground reality of the Democrats’ “new economy,” this “record job growth” is all to easily explained and it’s not good.

Yeah, various Democrat politicians misuse their authority in response to the Coronavirus pandemic and in self-serving, Trump-hating furtherance of their COVID-19 panicdemic to shutdown 43% of small businesses and caused the remainder to he businesses reported having reduced their active employment by 39%. Now, with businesses being able to reopen, of course there’s record job growth, not that we’ve reached pre-panicdemic levels of labor participation.

Yeah, “record job growth” my ass. It might be technically true, but it’s a lie to say it’s anything more than what it is.

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Inflation And Dems' Lies

Inflation - Actual vs Dems' Reports
Inflation – Actual vs Dems’ Reports

No matter what the Dem politicians, their mouthpieces, their Deep State departments, or their media tells us Americans, the inflation they’ve caused since ousting President Trump is far worse than what they’re admitting to.

And, Ladies and Gentlemen of America, it’s just going to get worse if we allow the Democrats to continue to be in a position where their politicians can continue their destructive agenda.

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Biden's At War

Biden's At War With Russia
Biden’s At War With Russia

While I still maintain that the greatest danger that Creepy Uncle Joe “Bad Hands” Biden poses to America and the world is that he’ll start a devastating a disastrous war by accident, the existential risk that he’s going to do so deliberately cannot be overlooked. In his rotted-out, dementia-addled mind, he and the the American people are already at war. He actually is already at war with Russia and is sure that we are as well.

He actually even says it weekly, if not daily. Anytime he speaks of inflation, especially energy and/or fuel costs, he says we’re at war or these are times of war with Russia. Time and time again, he’s said this and will likely continue to do so because, in what’s left of his mind it’s true.

But remember, Biden was born during WW2 and literally grew up in and into the nadir of the Cold War. All of his formative years were based upon Russia being and existential threat and global military force being the last, best deterrent for- and force against Russia. And, with his declining mental faculties, I really don’t believe that he can understand that the world has changed.

And that, my Fellow Americans, is more than a little scary. This isn’t just or exactly saber rattling to act the strong man on the world’s stage; that would be both normal under these conditions and not a bad thing at all. This is looking at the American people and key American business sectors and saying that we are at war already and all need to behave that way. That is how you actually start a war as any student of history can tell you.

Yeah, in my opinion, the senile dodderer inhabiting the White House “missed out” on the “great” war against Russia he was promised for the 44 years since he was 4 years old. It also doesn’t get a lot better if my opinion of Biden’s mental state is inaccurate. This is because the only sane reason for his war talk is to lay the groundwork for- or threaten using various codicils of the War Powers Act and Defense Production Act to turn America into a Command Economy, with the Federal Government taking control of production in most or all key sectors thereof.

Biden’s at war. Whether it’s against Russia, as is likely given the presentation of his symptoms, or against America’s free, capitalist economy, is unknown. The first cure for either though is to use the 2022 and 2024 elections to remove him and his enablers from power and restore the greatness and security of America to her People.

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Dennis Does It Biden Style

Dennis Does It Biden Style
Dennis Does It Biden Style

Little Dennis may have been titled “The Menace,” but he always embodied the free spirit, strong morals, and innovative, entrepreneurial spirit of the true heart and soul of America.

Little Dennis walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher’s desk.

“$2,467!”, he announced.

“$2,467!” cried the teacher, “What in the world were you selling?”

“Toothbrushes”, said Little Dennis.

“Toothbrushes”, echoed the teacher, “How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?”

“I found the busiest corner in town,” said Dennis, “I set up a Dip & Chip stand and I gave everybody who walked by a free sample.

“They all said the same thing, ‘Hey, this tastes like dog shit!'”

“Then I would say, ‘It is dog shit. Wanna buy a toothbrush?'”

“I used the President Biden method of giving you some crap, dressing it up so it looks good, telling you it’s free and then making you pay to get the bad taste out of your mouth.”

Young Dennis got five stars for his assignment. Bless his American heart.

Yep! This sure sounds like something Dennis would do. I guess he’s still, even after all this time, a menace to our domestic enemies. 😉

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The Retro 2020s

The Retro 2020s
The Retro 2020s

What’s old is gone, largely forgotten, and back again… or will be very soon. The real effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, the massive damages from the panicdemic built up around it, the “retiring” of so many of the eaters, and the Democrat policies and restrictions that exacerbated these issues has all but guaranteed that 2020s will be a reprise of earlier economically devastated times.

The Perfect Storm or Slacknado

From what I can see, this is being brought about by the intersectionality of TURDS and the simple fact that both the lower echelons of the residents within our country and the ever-entitled Millennials disdain for working. When Democrat politicians are willing to sacrifice the nation in order to refute President Trump’s very existence and 10s or 100s of millions of individuals are more than willing to capitalize upon it in order to avoid working, the coming economic collapse is foreordained.


So, My Fellow Americans, you’d better both strap in and get strapped. Things aren’t just going to go downhill, they’re going to go over a cliff. Be ready, willing, and able to take both defensive and proactive measures to defend yourself, your family, and the future of our People.

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