Elementary Schools Today

Elementary Schools Today - Predators Claiming Protector As Identity
Elementary Schools Today
Predators Claiming Prey As Identity

Honestly, this is pretty close to where far too many of our schools are now, and where the sorts who vote for Democrats want them all to be in the near future. We’ve already got many sexual predators masquerading as activists in our schools grooming our children to be bait for the LGBTQ+ groups.

This is literally state-sponsors child abuse and pedophilia. And, Folks, we need to treat is a such and treat those doing it or allowing it to be done as predators and dangers to our children.

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Postmodern Fairy Tales

Postmodern Fairy Tales - Weaponizing Fantasy
Postmodern Fairy Tales
Weaponizing Fables

Laugh all you want – and, in all truth, prima facie, this sort of thing is kind of funny. But, it’s also part and parcel of what the Left, especially the anti-normative #wokeists, have been doing to children’s books and such. They’ve been pushing and pushing hard to “mainstream” their postmodern fairy tales in order to warp the minds of our children.

How They Weaponize Fables

Step 1: Take any classic tale of Good vs. evil and add moral ambiguity to it

Step 2: Turn the Villain into either and Anti-Hero or actual Hero

Step 3: Have the Damsel or equivalent change sides and collude with the Villain

Step 4: Make the Villain, the Damsel, and/or the Hero all victims of society

Step 5: Sexualize the story

Step 6: Add the Gay

And that’s how these deranged and dangerous things do it. It’s a real-world example of the Boiling Frog pseudo-fable or apologue – one small step, one small corruption, one small degeneration at a time until we reach a point that is fundamentally unrecognizable. And worse, it’s all done in the name of “children needing stories about people like them” or “it’s important to breakdown current ideals and norms.

And Yet, No Conspiracy Is Needed

That’s what makes this worse, more destructive to our children’s future, and harder to combat; there’s no real conspiracy needed. Each step down the road to perversion is specific and self-contained and it starts small, and almost reasonable. But then, each group who wants acceptance and privilege wants a little bit more. And they each, for the most part, only think of what they want, as if they were in a vacuum. And, then the next, more abnormal than the last group wants theirs…

And, Folks! We’ve been greasing the slope or allowing it to be greased for over six decades. It’s not a wonder that the slide to degeneracy has reached terminal velocity.

No, IMRHO, the closest there is or needs to be to a conspiracy is that the grifters from each group of advocates for the individual special interest groups need to keep manufacturing “oppression” in order to stay relevant and profitable, be it monetarily or in social capital. They literally can’t “win” because then they be done.. and then what would they do?

This why Feminists turned into vile things, when they originally had a real point. It’s also why Feminists allied themselves with as other special interest groups as they could and labeled it “Intersectionality.” They won, and rightly so back then. But, they needed to push the bar back or fade into history. It’s also why LGB turned into LGBT, then LGBTQ, and then into whatever alphabet soup it is now. They’re all in a state of perpetual war against normative society because they can’t afford to declare victory!

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Raise Your Sons Right!

Raise Your Sons Right!
Raise Your Sons Right!

Parents – specifically you fathers, since I’m unsure of women’s participation – it’s my opinion that you need to raise your sons right. You need to raise them to have the basic life skills, particularly cooking and cleaning. You need to raise your sons in a manner that reduces the material value of women to them to recreation and reproduction. Do not let them grow up saddled and chained with any other need for women!

Yes, I know. Cue the feminazi cunts screaming “Misogyny!” Gods, how they hate the thought of strong, independent men, even though most them wouldn’t willingly do domestic task for men. 😆

Honestly, why wouldn’t you raise your sons to be strong, independent, self-sufficient men? Why would you even want them to be dependent upon another for their basic needs, especially a womyn of today? It’s not like they will provide your son anything of intrinsic value beyond sex and children, if he wishes to sire any. The days when daughters were raised to have value to men are gone; they seem to have died with Gen X.

I Don’t Need A Woman. I Can Cook Myself Dinner

Face it; the hate and vitriol this post would generate – if they actually read it – among the majority of Western females today is strong evidence, if not outright proof, of the accuracy and wisdom of its premise. Further, if we look at womyn’s tendency to divorce and the courts’ bias against men in said divorce, there is empirical proof that women should face an uphill struggle to prove to men that their worth to them offsets the risks involved in taking them on. And, Gentlemen, I don’t see many of the ones of your sons’ generation even considering doing that.

The Best Thing A Man Can Ever Learn Is To Never Need A Woman

Honestly, the best thing fathers can do for their sons and for the future of our society is to teach them how to never need a woman for anything other than sex and bearing their children. Teach your sons all the life skills necessary – irrespective of traditional genders roles, which have been more and more rejected by women in recent decades – to be self-sufficient.

To be extraordinarily crass, crude, and blunt, fathers need to teach their sons that what a woman “brings to the table” insofar as value-add in a relationship are: three holes, two tits, and a womb. If you’ve raised them right, women can offer them nothing else that they need, allowing your son’s to choose as, when, and if they please.

Because You Don’t Require Her Help, You Don’t Need Her; You Want Her. There Is A Difference.

But here’s the thing that most people, and pretty all the feminists and their supposedly “high value” women, won’t get about this post. I’m not suggesting father teach their sons to hate women. Nor do I believe it’s “misogynist” to raise them to see no need for women beyond sex and childbearing. There’s a fundamental difference between needs and desires. And, as the same feminstas who would decry this post have taught their daughters, good relationships aren’t based upon dependency.

But, it’s truly ironic that these same womyn who taught their daughters this lesson, albeit in the nastiest, most hate-filled, and self-destructive context, go ballistic when the genders are reversed and it’s men who are taught not to need them. 😉

Raise your sons right, My Fellows!

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Democrat Procedures

Democrat Procedures
Democrat Procedures

Much like birth control and abortions for children, Democrat procedures for transgendering preteen children is based upon separating them from their parents so that they instead can guide these troubled youths to the destination that the Dems want them to reach.

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What Their Pronouns Mean

What Their Pronouns Mean
What Their Pronouns Mean

This is the way every American parent should handle teaching our children about people’s “pronouns.” We need to teach our children that, if a person specifies their pronouns and/or demands certain ones that are not intuitive be used for them, then they are insane and a danger to be avoided. They same holds true for any that specify and/or demand that specific, unintuitive pronouns be used when addressing or referencing others. They too are either crazy or are enabling the crazy people and, hence, are a similar or even worse danger to our children.

Part of protecting our children is to teach them how to protect themselves and “pronouns” are a strong and easy “red flag” that the person should be treated in the same manner as we taught our children to deal with strangers who accosted them.

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