Show Some Respect
Posted in 2008 Election, Ethics & Morality on October 20th, 2008To all my Conservative readers,
Barack Obama will suspend campaigning for a day and a half so that he can fly to Hawaii to be at the side of his gravely ill grandmother, a campaign aide said late Monday.
Madelyn Dunham, 86, was released from the hospital at the end of last week and returned to her home in Honolulu with a health condition the aide described only as “very serious.”
Please show some respect for his family as we would hope others would show to ours. Back off a bit unless his surrogates take the fight to us in his absence.
We are better than those who would use something like this against a candidate.
If you worship a God or Goddess or both, please add your prayers for Obama’s grandmother’s recovery or easy passing.
Thank you,
P.S.: Thank you to Chamay0 for posting the notice, though she has less than favorable expectations from McCain and we Conservatives.