Duāng Duāng Bǎobǎo

Duāng Duāng, Bǎobǎo

Duāng Duāng Bǎobǎo (成龍成龍 寶寶) – or, in English, Boing Boing, Baby. Here are six more delightful gifts from China. We may hate the disease that they spread across our land, and we may bemoan the economic damage their Democrat allies caused as a result of it, but we should appreciate how the locked-in, attention-starved Kung Flu-zies dealt with it by using China’s best-inserted espionage tool.

And… A Bonus Factoid

Boing or Duāng didn’t – and technically still doesn’t in the Chinese language, especially in the context of unexpected boob bounces/drops, a favorite of manga, anime, and, apparently, attention-seeking girls in quarantine. Duāng was actually coined by Jackie Chan in the early 2000s.

That’s why I had to write it with two characters. The image to the left isn’t in unicode; it was created by “netizens” in the wake of Duāng‘s viral spread.

Duāng Duāng

😆 And now you have a new factoid and a somewhat better understanding of part of why I’m a polyglot and a lover of linguistics.

Final Note: Both the created hanzi and the formal, two-character breakout I used are actually Jackie Chan’s Chinese stage name, Long Chen – roughly translated, “Become The Dragon.”

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